
Social Commerce a Simple Guide for Beginners

Social Commerce a Simple Guide for Beginners

Social Commerce is one of the most popular and fastest-growing trends in the world of online sales. Although the principles are similar, it’s different from traditional eCommerce. As we’ll see, there are lots of reasons to pay attention to Social Commerce.

In this simple guide for beginners we’ll discuss what Social Commerce is and isn’t, see how it began, and explore its advantages. We’ll also share some guiding principles to help you get started.

What is Social Commerce?

Social Commerce is the use of social networks and other platforms with social interaction for eCommerce transactions. Rather than a link to an online store where the transaction can take place, the purchase is made through the social network or platform.

The sales activity takes place outside of the retailer’s website, on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest. The entire sales process, from cultivating the sale all the way through the shopping cart, is completed on the social network. This is different from eCommerce, which takes place on the company’s website.

Some make a strong distinction between Social Commerce and Social Shopping with “Commerce” referring to how vendors use social networks and “Shopping” referring to the activity of the shopper. Focusing on these distinctions can help companies build systems to improve them. Regardless of how deep you want to go into making these distinctions, they’re both related and work together.

A Brief History of Social Commerce

The term was coined by Yahoo! in 2005 to describe a set of social shopping tools such as user-generated content, user ratings, shared pick lists, etc.

The concept was further developed by David Beisel and Steve Rubel. David Beisel focused on user-generated advertorial content on e-commerce sites. Steve Rubel focused on collaborative e-commerce tools that would allow shoppers to get advice from people they trust, and purchase products and services. Together, this increases trust and sales.

Facebook opened a marketplace in 2007. A Buy button was added in 2014. Payments and shoppable pages were added in 2015. Facebook for Business helps you set up a shop on the Facebook and Instagram platforms.

Instagram added a shop button in 2015 followed by product tags in 2016. Shopify and BigCommerce integrations were added in 2017. Shoppable posts were added in 2018. This example shows an Instagram shop that you can make using Facebook for Business. You can make a similar shop for Facebook.

A Brief History of Social Commerce

Pinterest added buyable pins in 2015 and a shopping cart in 2016. Pinterest Business helps you set up a business account so you can start selling through the Pinterest platform.

16 Advantages of Social Commerce

There are lots of advantages to selling socially, here are the big ones:

1. Engagement

It helps companies engage with customers. It places the brands where the customers are and provides them with an easy way to interact.

2. Trust

The ability for the customer to interact with the company helps build trust with the company. Customers get to know the people in the company, have conversations with the company representatives, get their questions answered, and discuss feedback. It’s easier for potential customers to trust a company when they can see feedback and recommendations from others.

3. Sharing

Social Commerce makes it easy for customers to share news about their purchases. They can share information with their friends or audience and make recommendations about products and services.

4. Reviews

Customers can easily leave reviews and ratings of products and the company. This helps build trust in the products and authority in the brand.

5. Community

Customers can easily interact with each other about the brand and products. This can build a community bond around the brand, which is great for the company and the customers. Customers can feel accepted, create trends, follow trends, and follow influencers, or become an influencer for the type of product or service.

6. Social Proof

Social proof builds trust in the company. When potential customers see reviews, feedback, ratings, positive comments, and discussions around the brand, they’re more likely to trust making a purchase.

7. Trends

Trends are easier to find and follow on social networks.

8. Marketing

Companies can use marketing techniques to help drive sales and awareness. Techniques include:

  • Social media graphics
  • Video to show products
  • Informative posts
  • Voting on product choices
  • Polls
  • Asking user’s to share photos and comments
  • Sharing user’s posts
  • Celebrity endorsements
  • Promotions
  • Giveaways
  • Direct links to a shopping cart

9. Targeted Advertising

Companies can easily target their audience on social platforms with ads based on their activity and preferences. Social platforms provide extensive advertising tools that work well with commerce.

10. Demand

Social Commerce makes it easier to understand the demand for a product. Potential customers are more likely to purchase if a product is in high demand or if it’s difficult to find. They don’t want to miss out on something their friends are enjoying. If it’s scarce there is a higher value assigned to the product in the mind of the buyer and it will feel more unique or special to them.

11. It’s Where Customers Are

Rather than trying to lure potential customers away from a social media platform to your website, Social Commerce allows you to sell to them where they already are- on the social media platform. This makes it much easier to find your target audience and makes it easier for them to find you. It also means that many potential buyers will discover your products that might not have any other way.

12. It’s Not Just a Sales Platform

Social media includes sales, but it’s a lot more than that. Potential buyers that may not be looking for products are there when they wouldn’t be on a sales website. They’ve seen the ads, the shares, the likes, and the comments. They’ve been warmed up to the idea of the product. They can be sold to even if that’s not why they’re there.

13. Customers Can Buy Through the Social Network

You’re not asking a potential customer to leave the safety of the social platform and go to your website to make a purchase. This makes it easier to sell to them and helps build trust in the sale.

14. It Makes Online Shopping a Social Experience

Typical online shopping is a solo experience. It leaves something to be desired when compared to going shopping with your friends. Social Commerce adds the social experience to the shopping experience.

15. Popularity

Social Commerce is a popular choice for selling online. In 2020, the global Social Commerce market was estimated to be $86.4 billion. It’s projected to be $604.5 Billion by 2027. This is a stunning number of sales and growth potential. Facebook has reported some staggering Instagram numbers with 83% of buyers discovering new products or services, 81% researching products or services, and 80% deciding whether to buy a product or service.

16. Convenient

The convenience of Social Commerce is one of its greatest strengths. The customer can research a product and purchase without having to leave their favorite platform, and immediately go back to what they were doing on that platform.

5 Principles of Social Commerce

Lots of Social Commerce principles have developed over the years that can help you start and grow your social shop.

1. Optimization

Use the data from your social platform to optimize the buyer’s experience. This includes colors, text, images, etc. Make sure the images and text load fast. Design for mobile-first and test on multiple devices.

Images – Use vertical images. Most users are browsing social platforms on smartphones in portrait mode. Pinterest recommends a 2:3 ratio to keep the image from truncating. Use an image that customers can understand at a glance.

Text – Create short copy with no more than 100 characters for the title and 500 characters for the description.

Logo – Be sure to use your logo, but don’t place it in the lower right corner. That area can be covered with product icons.

Overlay – Add an overlay to make the product stand out.

Video – Lead with a clear hook. Keep videos between 6 and 15 seconds. Use text overlays or captions for those that watch with the sound off.

Localization – Translate the text for each language you’re targeting and post each as a different ad.

2. Create Sharable Content

Create the type of content that your followers want to share with their friends. I recommend content that adds value rather than “I’ll bet you won’t share this” and “share if you find” content. I ignore those myself.

3. Audience Awareness

Keep in mind that not everyone on a social platform is looking to purchase a product and not everyone wants to be sold to. Influencer Marketing Hub reported that 18% of Generation Z leave a social platform if it’s too commercialized.

4. Create Collections

Build collections of similar products around seasonal events, trends that you’ve noticed from your followers, etc.

5. Metrics

Companies use standard social media measurements to analyze metrics such as the Return on Investment (RIO), Reach, and Reputation. Companies can also look at likes, retweets, and shares to measure consumer interaction. Use this to improve your sales content.

Ending Thoughts

Social Commerce is the natural progression of online buying. As more people spend time on social networks and seek buying advice from friends, more companies will take advantage of what these networks can offer.

This doesn’t mean that every online store should sell through a social platform. Setting up a sales platform on any network is an investment. It is something to consider, though. It’s easy to see how popular it already is and it’s projected to explode in the near future.

We want to hear from you. What do you think about Social Commerce? Let us know in the comments.

Online Shopping For Beginners

Online Shopping For Beginners – From fashion to gifts, learn how to shop savvy online & save money

Fashion, beauty, gifts and deals – all in one place.

Online shopping has been taking the world by storm since the mid-90s when consumers were able to purchase albums, books and pizza over the Internet for the first time. Ecommerce has come a long way since then. You can now buy just about anything on your computer, smartphone or tablet from the comfort of your own home. Many online retailers allow you to store your payment information so you don’t even have to pull out your credit card anymore. In just one click, you can have your purchases delivered straight to your door.

Gone are the days when you’d have to run up to the shops every time you needed something. In fact, stores all over the world are closing their doors while online retailers are flourishing and expanding. According to the Centre for Retail Research, online shopping is the fastest growing form of retail, and that’s probably not going to change anytime soon. Traditional bricks and mortar stores are disappearing and being replaced by shopping experiences like pop-up shops and events that allow customers to test products in new and exciting ways.

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Why buy online?

While everyone has their own reasons for shopping online, what it comes down to for most people is convenience and variety. You can simply find more products in less time when you shop online. Not to mention the fact that the Internet is a treasure trove of deals, discounts, sales and coupons, which means you can often find your favourite products at a lower cost. If you want to browse a wide range of products and services, look for the best deals and avoid the crowd, online shopping is the way to go.

What can you buy online?

You can now get just about anything delivered from online retailers, from accent tables and alarm clocks to yoga mats and zebra print shoes. You name it, you can probably get it online, but the most purchased product online might surprise you. According to Business Insider Australia, it’s books! Books were one of the first items available when online shopping began, and they’re still a popular purchase today.

The wide range of products available online include the following:

  • Electronics. Where better to buy electronics than the Internet? Online retailers usually offer the latest gadgets as soon as they are available. Why line up to get the next phone or wearable the day it’s released when you can save precious time and have it delivered straight to your door? You can also find reviews, technical support and how-to guides online to help you get the most from your tech purchases.
  • Fashion and beauty. There’s no shortage of fashion and beauty retailers online. While you might be worried about the fit and quality of clothing purchased online, reading reviews can be a handy tool to tell you everything you need to know about fit and sizing. The explosion in popularity of beauty tutorials means you can also get the best tips and watch professionals try out products before you buy. If you aren’t happy with your new clothing, makeup or accessories, many stores offer flexible return and exchange policies.
  • Homewares. Just about anything you need for your home can be found online. You can get inspiration for new decorations, learn home improvement tips, browse deals on new furniture and homewares and even try out new mattresses.
  • Sports and fitness. Looking to get healthier? Peruse sporting goods, fitness equipment and meal delivery services.
  • Gifts. When the next holiday, birthday or anniversary rolls around, you can order gifts such as chocolates, flowers, jewellery and toys online. Keep in mind, most online retailers offer massive savings leading up to major holidays.

Whether you want food delivered the same day, flowers sent to a loved one for a special occasion or the latest products straight to your door, you can find it online. If you’re interested in making your next purchase online, start browsing today.

Source https://www.finder.com/za/shopping

15 Online Shopping Tips You Can’t Afford to Miss

15 Online Shopping Tips You Can’t Afford to Miss

Do you frequently experience continuous notifications regarding discounts and exclusive offers going on in the online shopping websites coming to your phone and email ids?The internet data serves as an awesome place for shopping too. Whether it is Amazon’s biggest sale, or Flipkart’s mega shopping week or else Shopclue’s 90 percent sale, please do not panic about them. Take a deep breath and relax. Believe me shopping requires a lot of planning than we actually think. Even I am a person who is always excited about shopping. I used to shop restlessly till I found these tips for a clever shopping experience.

In this article of mine, I am going to share you few of my shopping tips to help you not to go at a loss this shopping season.

1. Because Planning is foremost
Whether it be online or offline, planning is a must for your shopping. Do not go for shopping online, during the weekends, instead, plan for it during the mid working days like Wednesdays and Thursdays. Flipkart has its discount sale on Wednesdays of every week. Try to find out the list of the days of the week, which every other website will be offering for their customers. Plan yourself for a single day sit at home, on the air cooler and start shopping.

2. Never pay for shipping
Never shop for sites that cost for shipping. Always look for sites that offer free shipping. With that, you can buy and exchange the product as many times as you want without any cost. Already you are paying enough for buying the product and with that if you are going to pay for the transportation also then there is no point of going for online shopping. Online shopping is for removing your transportation charges which you face during shopping in real time. If you have to pay for the shipping cost also then there lies no difference between online and offline shopping.

3. Be clever with the discount opportunities
If you see high discounts on the products in the online selling stores, then just do not hurry in buying them. Keep the particular product in your purchase bag and then do a little research on the comparison of the price in other online websites also. Try to find out the real value of the product. If the product is really in high discount and worth the present price, then decide on to buy it. On the other hand, if there is no much difference between the product’s actual price and the current price after discount, better do not buy it. Because you might be thinking that you are saving a lot of your money, but you are actually not.

4. Know how to sort
There are many ways you can sort out the types of products you want. There are options to sort them up on relevance, popularity, prices low to high and high to low. During filtration always go for the option of low to high price. Generally like any other stores the online stores also display most eye-catching and expensive product on the top lists during purchase. So make an effort to dig out the cheapest items in the stores.

5. Use your shopping points
Few retailers use to give you shopping points for every purchase. Try finding those types of shopping points in the online stores also. Because after every purchase, your points on the shopping card will get increased and it will give you an amount of extra discounts during the purchases.

6. Fluebit rocks
Use Fluebit to demand a price lower than its price you have found in any of the other online stores. You just need to add the URL of the websites where you have selected the product and click the option that says ‘Create me a Lower Price’ . Fluebit will automatically show you how much extra discount you can get on the same product.

7. Start networking
Almost every brands post about their discounts and offers on the social media websites like Facebook, twitter, etc. Start liking those brands on Facebook and Instagram. Ones liked, the notifications regarding sales and discounts of those company brands will be coming to you as alerts.

8. Be careful about the money
Mostly try going to ‘cash on delivery’ for payments because there are a lot of transaction issues for online payments. Cash on delivery allows you to have a safe and sound online shopping, avoiding those attackers found in the cloud. You will have a tension free shopping experience since you will come to payment procedure only if you have to give the money after you get the product in your hand. In case, of returning the product, a credit card is good because the transaction of money back to your credit card is faster than a debit card or cash payment. But for our safety and security, better use ‘cash on delivery’ option only.

9. Some extra effort
Sometimes try visiting the stores also because, the costs of the brands in the online stores might be more than those in the stores. Make sure you create your own folder for the emails from these shopping sites so that you go and check them out according to your own will and time.

10. Use MegaShopBot
MegaShopBot is a tool that compares the price of any product among the online websites and gives us the different prices ongoing in different places. It reduces your effort of making google search of all the different online stores and a comparison among them.

11. Sign up for immediate alerts on sales
Make sure you set alerts for getting reminders on the exact time and date on the sales and discounts even during the rush hours. Sometimes, the websites give ultimate discounts only for a limited time for an hour or two. Make sure you sign up for those kinds of alerts. And while buying those products on high sale make sure you buy them only if you really need them. Just because they are in high discounts do not end up buying those products, even if you do not really need them. In this way, you will be misusing your money.

12. Go for sites that will offer you vouchers
Before going for online shopping spend some of your time in doing coupons search. Do not directly buy the discounted items. Instead, try to apply coupons and vouchers for them, which will save a lot of your money. Websites like coupondunia.com, retailmenot.com and couponraja.com offer a lot of coupons.

13. Have patience
If the item in your budget has gone out of stock, then please don’t end up buying something that is out of your budget. Keep that item on your wish list and once the item becomes available again, you will definitely get a notification mail or an SMS on your phone.

14. Do not treat online shopping special
Treat them like any other retail shop. Do not get attracted by seeing the beautiful pictures of the product. In case if you really need any product,then only go for it. There is a difference between want and need. First, focus on what you need. If you really need the product, then go for it. If you do not need the product but you want it because you like it, then there is no point of wasting your money on that useless stuff. First, make a list of what all things you really need to buy. Search for them in all the websites and compare the prices. Go for the one that matches your budget. In case, nothing is according to your financial statement, then do not hurry in buying them. Put them on a wish list and wait for the price to go. Once there is any change in the product, then you will be getting notifications about it. Take care of your budget and be careful about it. Do not buy anything that may affect your economy.

15. Find Cashback opportunities
A lot of online stores facilitate a minimum cashback on each purchase. This is actually a good service. Try to use Paytm also by which on every purchase a little amount of your money will be saved. Cashback purchase is very important and no one should actually neglect it or take it very easily because you are spending unknowingly with the fact that you could actually save a lot more. Few examples of cashback websites are ExtraBux.com, Ebates.com, FatWallet.com, etc.

Source https://www.quertime.com/article/15-online-shopping-tips-you-cant-afford-to-miss/

Online Shopping Tips

Online Shopping Tips For Shopping Online

It’s important to take steps to protect yourself when shopping online.

From the convenience of making purchases at your fingertips and next-day delivery to getting great deals and an the endless catalogue of purchasable items, online shopping has only grown in popularity. While the increased availability of online shopping is convenient, it also makes it more lucrative for scammers to trick buyers into paying for goods they won’t receive or obtain their personal information for financial gain. So, what can you do about it?

Being a safe and secure shopper starts with STOP. THINK. CONNECT.™: Take security precautions, think about the consequences of your actions online and enjoy the conveniences of technology with peace of mind while you shop online.

Online Shopping Tips

  • Think before you click: Beware of ads encouraging users to click on links. If you receive an enticing offer, do not click on the link. Instead, go directly to the company’s website to verify the offer is legitimate.
  • Do your homework: Fraudsters are fond of setting up fake e-commerce sites. Prior to making a purchase, read reviews to hear what others say about the merchant. In addition, look for a physical location and any customer service information. It’s also a good idea to call the merchant to confirm that they are legitimate.
  • Consider your payment options: Using a credit card is much better than using a debit card; there are more consumer protections for credit cards if something goes awry. Or, you can use a third party payment service instead of your credit card. There are many services you can use to pay for purchases – like Google Pay — without giving the merchant your credit card information directly.
  • Watch what you give away: Be alert to the kinds of information being collected to complete your transaction. If the merchant is requesting more data than you feel comfortable sharing, cancel the transaction. You only need to fill out required fields at checkout and you should not save your payment information in your profile. If the account autosaves it, after the purchase go in and delete the stored payment details. 
  • Keep tabs on your bank and credit card statements: Be sure to continuously check your accounts for any unauthorized activity. Good recordkeeping goes hand-in-hand with managing your cybersecurity. Another tip for monitoring activity is to set up alerts so that if your credit card is used, you will receive an email or text message with the transaction details.

Basic Safety and Security Tips

  • Keep a clean machine: Keep a clean machine. Be sure that all internet-connected devices ‒ including PCs, smartphones and tablets ‒ are free from malware and infections by running only the most current versions of software and apps.
  • Lock Down Your Login: Create long and unique passphrases for all accounts and use multi-factor authentication (MFA) wherever possible. MFA will fortify your online accounts by enabling the strongest authentication tools available, such as biometrics or a unique one-time code sent to your phone or mobile device.
  • Use a secure Wi-Fi: Using public Wi-Fi to shop online while at your favorite coffee shop is tremendously convenient, but it is not cyber safe. Don’t make purchases via public Wi-Fi; instead use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) or your phone as a hotspot.

10 Amazing Facts About Cheese You Need to Know

As a Taste of Home editor living in Wisconsin, it’s safe to say I’m a big fan of cheese. Fried cheese curds at a microbrewery, a generous sprinkling of pecorino Romano on a plate of spaghetti, or a wine and cheese night with the girls…I love it all. Recently I took a trip to Door County (that long peninsula in Wisconsin jutting into Lake Michigan), visiting cheese factories and sampling artisan cheeses from across America’s Dairyland. I picked up some pretty fascinating facts that changed the way I think about cheese. Read on!

1. Cheese was created over 4,000 years ago-by accident

As a Taste of Home editor living in Wisconsin, it’s safe to say I’m a big fan of cheese. Fried cheese curds at a microbrewery, a generous sprinkling of pecorino Romano on a plate of spaghetti, or a wine and cheese night with the girls…I love it all. Recently I took a trip to Door County (that long peninsula in Wisconsin jutting into Lake Michigan), visiting cheese factories and sampling artisan cheeses from across America’s Dairyland. I picked up some pretty fascinating facts that changed the way I think about cheese. Read on!

1. Cheese was created over 4,000 years ago-by accident

Amazingly, one of our favorite foods might never have been discovered if it weren’t for a mistake. Legend has it the first cheese was created accidentally, by storing milk in a container lined with an animal’s stomach. An enzyme from the stomach caused the milk to separate into liquid (whey) and solids (curd). The curd? That’s cheese. (Want to learn to make cheese at home?

Amazingly, one of our favorite foods might never have been discovered if it weren’t for a mistake. Legend has it the first cheese was created accidentally, by storing milk in a container lined with an animal’s stomach. An enzyme from the stomach caused the milk to separate into liquid (whey) and solids (curd). The curd? That’s cheese. (Want to learn to make cheese at home?

2. It takes 10 pounds of milk to make just 1 pound of cheese.

That’s right-and the best way to ensure that milk turns into delicious cheese is to make sure dairy cows eat a healthy diet. Cows eat about 90 pounds of feed every day and produce 2,604 gallons of milk per year. That can make a lot of cheese!

3. Over 25% of cheese in the U.S. is made in Wisconsin (the rest comes mostly from California, Idaho and New York). More than half the nation’s artisan cheese is made in Wisconsin.

Listen, there’s a reason we call ourselves cheeseheads. Not only does Wisconsin make a LOT of cheese, but our farmers make GOOD cheese. The Dairy State wins over half the prizes at the U.S. Championship Cheese Contest each year. (Yes, that’s a thing; yes, I want to go, too.) Wisco cheesemakers have won one-third of the honors at the World Championship Cheese Contest, a competition that’s been around since the 1950s.

4. Some cheeses are illegal in the United States.

Because of safety concerns related to bacteria, the FDA has banned certain cheeses from entering the United States. These include cheeses made with raw milk and aged under 60 days, including Brie de Meaux, Reblochon, Valencay, Epoisses, Roquefort and Camembert de Normandie. You’ll have to travel to France to indulge in these specialty cheeses. (Until then, you can just make really great French food right at home.)

5. Cheese caves are a real thing.

Storing cheese in caves, whether natural or man-made, helps to age them and imparts another level of flavor. Caves are cool and humid, which is exactly what cheese needs to age properly. European cheesemakers used natural caves before we had modern refrigeration. Today, American cheesemakers usually construct their own cheese caves, which allows them to regulate temperatures and humidity levels to the exact specifications a certain cheese needs. Pretty cool!

6. Mice don’t like cheese.

Despite popular belief, mice actually don’t like cheese. Given the choice, they prefer sweets and carbs. Sure, they’ll eat cheese if it’s the only thing around, as most animals would, but they don’t particularly love it. (Hey, we enjoy a good sweet ourselves.)

7. Lactose-intolerant people can eat cheese.

If you’re lactose intolerant, you don’t have to say goodbye to cheese forever! Just pick the right kinds. Aged cheeses have less lactose than fresh and usually can be enjoyed without discomfort. Think cheeses like Brie, Camembert, cheddar, Gouda, Muenster, Parmesan, provolone and Swiss. Not too shabby a cheese plate! (Did you know cheesy foods can also be light?)

8. There’s a reason certain cheese names are capitalized.

If a cheese is named after a city (or country-hello, American!), it’s capitalized. Examples include Asiago, Brie, Camembert, Gouda, Gruyere and Parmesan. (I’d love to live in the city of Parmesan!) Cheeses that aren’t capitalized include cheddar, feta, fontina, mozarella and provolone.

9. Curd sizes yield different types of cheese.

Large curds yield softer cheeses, such as ricotta and mascarpone. Small curds yield hard cheeses-think Parmesan and Romano.

10. There are 60 Master Cheesemakers in the United States…and every one of them lives in Wisconsin.

OK, so technically Wisconsin is the only state that has a Master Cheesemaker program. But still, this is a pretty big deal and a mighty intense process. Before entering the program, you need to have a cheesemaker’s license for 10 years-a process that requires 250 school hours and a six-month apprenticeship. And yes, Wisconsin is the only state to require cheesemakers to have a license. Maybe that’s why we think Wisconsin makes the best cheese in the United States.

7 Facts About Beef

We bet you didn’t know all of these…  if not, consider sharing with a friend!

  • Just 6 grams of beef has all the protein you need all day.
  • The word “steak” comes from a derivative of the word “stick” – it used to be “steik” which meant meat on a stick.
  • You may know that cows have 4 stomachs, which is prettty cool, but they can also detect smells up to six miles away!
  • You know that red juice in meat? It’s actually not blood. Very little blood remains in muscle tissue of an animal. That red liquid is water mixed a protein called myoglobin.
  • Beef protein is a complete protein – meaning it has all of the essential amino acids you need to maintain and repair body tissue.
  • Cows don’t have top teeth in the front of their mouths. Since they’re herbivores they don’t need to chew things up that much.  The top of their mouth is a tough pad of skin called a dental pad. They do have molars in the back of their top jaw to help grind food up.
  • On average, a cow has about 40,000 jaw movements a day. Just chew on that for a while…

Fun Facts About Breakfast

Breakfast habits

  • The average person sits down to breakfast at 7.31am during the week and 8.28 am at the weekend
  • The nation’s favourite breakfast is a cooked breakfast, followed by porridge, breakfast cereal and then toast
  • The breakfast foods we are most likely to eat during the week are wholegrain cereal (37%) followed by toast with spread (32%) and then porridge (27%)
  • The most popular place to eat breakfast is at home at the table, either alone or with other members of the household, followed by on the sofa
  • Taste, speed, filling, quick to prepare and health, are the most important factors when it comes to breakfast.
  • There is a growing trend for eating breakfast out of the home.

Breakfast skipping

  • A worrying quarter (25%) of people are skipping breakfast once or more during the week, with more than one in ten (13%) never eating it
  • Of women who skip breakfast, 29 per cent miss it because they are too busy getting ready
  • 14 per cent of female breakfast skippers say they don’t eat in the morning because they are trying to lose or watch their weight
  • Women are more likely to prioritise their hair and choosing clothes for the day than eating breakfast.

Quirky breakfast facts

  • The celebrity people in the UK would most like to have breakfast with is Holly Willoughby
  • The world’s first breakfast cereal was created in 1863 and needed soaking overnight to be chewable
  • The world record for the most people eating breakfast in bed is 289 and was set in Sydney, Australia on 2nd March in 2012. It involved 85 queen size beds containing four people each
  • The world’s largest breakfast on record involved 27,854 people and took place in Germany on 29 May 2005
  • The largest bowl of porridge weighs 865 kg and was achieved in Tula, Russia on 10 September 2011

14 Fun Facts About Chickens

Why chickens? Well, I think we need a break from natural disasters, and chickens are a good distraction (how can the Chicken Dance not amuse?).

1 ) The chicken, Gallus gallus domesticus, is a domestic subspecies of the red junglefowl, a member of the pheasant family that is native to Asia. Genetic studies have found that the grey junglefowl also contributed to the chicken’s evolution.

2 ) This bird was probably first domesticated for the purpose of cockfights, not as food.

3 ) Chickens aren’t completely flightless—they can get airborne enough to make it over a fence or into a tree.

4 ) These birds are omnivores. They’ll eat seeds and insects but also larger prey like small mice and lizards.

5 ) With 25 billion chickens in the world, there are more of them than any other bird species.

6 ) There are dozens of chicken breeds, such as the Dutch bantam, leghorn and Rhode Island red.

7 ) Baby chickens are chicks. Female chickens are pullets until they’re old enough to lay eggs and become hens. Male chickens are called roosters, cocks or cockerels, depending on the country you’re in.

8 ) A rooster announces to a flock of chickens that he’s found food with a “took, took, took.” But the hens don’t pay attention if they already know that there is food around.

9 ) Roosters perform a little dance called ‘tidbitting’ in which they make sounds (food calls) and move their head up and down, picking up and dropping a bit of food. Researchers have found that females prefer males that often perform tidbitting and have larger, brighter combs on top of their heads.

10) Scientists think that the rooster’s wattle–the dangly bit beneath his beak–helps him to gain a hen’s attention when he is tidbitting.

11 ) A female chicken will mate with many different males but if she decides, after the deed is done, that she doesn’t want a particular rooster’s offspring and can eject his sperm. This occurs most often when the male is lower in the pecking order.

12 ) The chicken was the first bird to have its genome sequenced, in 2004.

13 ) Avian influenza (a.k.a. bird flu) is extremely contagious and can make chickens very sick and kill them. The highly pathogenic form of the disease can kill off 90 to 100 percent of birds in a flock in just 48 hours.

14 ) And which came first, the chicken or the egg? Well, all vertebrates have eggs, but the hardshelled variety first appeared among reptiles.

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